MCQ on Agricultural Microbiology


MCQ on Agricultural Microbiology


1. Founder of modern bacteriology is–
(A) Leeuwenhoek (B) Pasteur
(C) Robert Koch (D) None of the above

2. Braun's lipoprotein is present. in–
(A) Gram+ve bacteria (B) Gram-ve bacteria
(C) Bacteriophage (D) Yeast

3. Pseudomorein is an organism?
(A) Archaebacteria  (C) Eukaryote present in which
(B) Eubacteria (D) Fungi

4. The most resistant form of microbial life in the bacteria is–
(A) Cyst (B) Endospore
(C) Vegetative stage (D) None

5. Species of Mycoplasma are inhibited by–
(A) Penicillin (B) Tetramycin
(C) Both (D) None of the above

6. Example for microaerophilic N 2 fixer–
(A) Rhizobium (B) Azotobacter
(C) E. Coli (D) Frankia

7. First" Antifungal antibiotic–
(A) Cycloheximide (B) Aureofungin
(C) Neomycin (D) Nystatin

8. In general, an ideal antimicrobial chemical agenthase a spectrum activity–
(A) Limited (B) Broad
(C) Narrow (D) None

9. The term Mycorrhiza is coined by–
(A) Frank (B) Hartig
(C) De bary (D) Winogradasky

10. Which of the following insecticides ?
(A) Bacillus thuringiensis (B) Bacillus popilliae
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above

11. A substance that can elicit an immune response only when combined with another carrier–
(A) O antigen (B) Haptan
(C) Adjent (D) Immunogen

12. Factor which does not affect legume root nodulation ?
(A) Temperature (B) Light
(C) Combined N 2 (D) H + ion cone.

13. In leghaemoglobin the heme portion is specified by
(A) Plantgenes (B) Bacterial genes
(C) Both (D) None of these

14. Cell - Cell interaction and differentiation is mostly studied on–
(A) Arabidopsis thaliana (B) Cenorabditis elegens
(C) Escherichia coli (D) Dictyostlium discodeum

15. Bacteria which can ferment sugar faster than yeast is–
(A) Oostridium (B) Zygomonas
(C) Thiobacillus (D) Bacillus

16. First antifugal antibiotic is–
(A) Nystatin (B) Cycloheximide

(C) Aureofungin (D) None of these

17. Virus quantification in a given sample is done by–
(A) End point efflux (B) End point dilution
(C) End point titration (D) All of these

18. The phenomenon of inhibiting the growth of bacteria without killing them
(A) Bactericidal (B) Bacteriostatic
(C) Both (D) None

19. In gram staining the alcohol acts on–
(A) Teichoic acids (B) Peptidoglycan
(C) Periplasm (D) Membrane lipids

20. In cocoa fermentation, the microbial inoclumn used is of–
(A) Aspergillus niger (B) Candida Krusei
(C) Rhizopus oryzae (D) None of the above

21. Number of the chromosome in bacteria is–
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) Many

22. Fungi used for bioassay of biotin–
(A) Neurospora (B) Yeast
(C) Aspergillus (D) Penicillium

23. An agent which frees from infection by killing the vegetative cells of microorganism–
(A) Surfactant (B) Disinfectant
(C) Antiseptic (D) None of these

24. A fluorescent dye used in fluorescent microscopy is–
(A) Acridine orange (B) Phosphotungstic acid
(C) Ethidium bromide (D) Luciferin

25. Bacteria are commonly seen in soils such as–
(A) acidic (B) neutral
(C) alkaline (D) saline

26. Protein coat of a virus–
(A) Capsule (B) Capsid
(C) Envelope (D) Coat

27. 'P' solubilizing bacteria–
(A) Bacillus megatherium (B) Clostridium pasteurianum
(C) A. Niger (D) Micrococcus sp

28. In autoclave which form of heat is used ?
(A) dry heat (B) moist heat
(C) vacuum heat (D) both a and-b

29. Virus - "Contangium viuum fluidum" was given by–
(A) A. Mayer (B) Beijerinck
(C) Iwanoski (D) None of these

30. Principal sites for CO2 fixation in autotrophic prokaryotes–
(A) Chromosomes (B) Carboxysomes
(C) Both (D) None of these

31. Number of flagella in Cyanobacteria are–

(A) Zero (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three

32. Father of bacteriology is–
(A) Leewenhoek (B) Pasteur
(C) Koch (D) None of these

33. Test organism for phenol coefficient–
(A) Salmonella tyagi (B) Staphylococcus aureus
(C) Both(D) None of these

34. Which of the following does not produce any enzyme?
(A) Amoeba (B) Virus
(C) Bacteria (D) Fungi

35. In Archaebacteria which one is present in the cell wall ?
(A) Murein (B) Pseudomurein
(C) Both (D) None of these

36. A virus that may not destroy the host–
(A) Virulent phage (B) Temperature phage
(C) Cyanophage (D) Lytic cycle

37. Fermenting organism involved in Yoghurt
(A) Streptococcus (B) Aspergillus
(C) Podiococcus (D) None of these

38. An aminoglycoside antibiotic–
(A) Penicillin (B) Streptomycin
(C) Tetracycline (D) None of these

39. Type of relationship between Acetobacter diazotrophicus and sugarcane is–
(A) Symbiotic (B) Associative
(C) Endophytic (D) Free living

40. Red pigment produced by–
(A) Serratia (B) Micrococcus
(C) Both (D) None of these

41. Rhizosphere was coined by–
(A) Hiltner  (B) Beijernick
(C) Winogradsky (D) None

42. Test organism for pasteurization is–
(A) Coxicella bumetti (B) Clostridium pasteurizanum
(C) Bacillus subtilis (D) Bacillus steareothermophillus

43. Gram staining was discovered by Gram in the year–
(A) 1762 (B) 1932
(C) 1884  (D) 1890

44. Example of pleomorphic bacteria is–
(A) Acetobacter (B) Azotobacter
(C) Achromobacter (D) Arthrobacter

45. Acid fast staining used for which bacteria–
(A) Mycobacterium  (B) Rhizobium
(C) Bacillus sp. (D) Clostridium

46. Bacitracin is produced by–

(A) Bacillus subtillis (B) Aspergillus niger
(C) E. Coli (D) Yeast

47. Name of the bacterium producing endospore is–
(A) Bacillus  (B) Agrobacterium
(C) Xanthomonas (D) E. Coli

48. Ultraviolet light is most germicidal at the wavelength of–
(A) 245 nm (B) 255 nm
(C) 265 nm  (D) None

49. Phosphorus solubilizing microorganism–
(A) VAM (B) Mucor
(C) Rhizopus (D) E. Coli

50. Which of the following genera is most likely to contain organisms capable of surviving high temperature?
(A) Oostridium  (B) Penicillium
(C) Torula (D) Pseudomonas