MCQ on Fundamental of Plant Pathology
1. Father of Indian
(A) EJ Butler (B) KC Mehta
(C) Mundakur (D) RS Singh
2. Citrus greening disease mainly confined to–
(A) North India (B) South India
(C) East India (D) West India
3. The Bordeaux mixture was first time used for
the control of–
(A) Downey mildew of
grapevines (B) Powdery mildew of pea
(C) Root rot of beet (D) Damping of pea
4. Select the systemic fungicides–
(A) Pyrimidines (B) Triazoles
(C) Metalaxyl (D) All of these
5. RSD is caused by–
(A) Gram (-) fastidious bacteria (B) Gram (+)
fastidious bacteria
(C) Clavibacter xyli (D) Both (B) and (C)
6. The smut of pearl millet (caused by
Toltjposporitun penicillariaes) is a–
(A) Internally seed-borne (B) Externally seed-borne
(C) Soil-borne (D) All of these
7. Bacteria leaf blight of rice caused by
Xanthontonas oryzae is commonly controlled by seed treatment and foliar spray
of the chemical in India–
(A) Streptocycline (B) Agrimycin
(C) Aretan (D) RH - 893
8. In bacteria, variability is caused by–
(A) Conjugation (B) Transformation
(C) Transduction (D) All of these
9. Micrografting is used to produce plants free
(A) Virus (B) RLO's
(C) MLO's (D) Bacteria
10. Powdery mildew include in
(A) Deuteromycotina (B) Basidiomycotina
(C) Ascomycotina (D) Oornycetes
11. The Kamal bunt of wheat is caused by–
(A) Neovossia indica (B) Tilletia horrida
(C) Urocqstis tritici (D) Ustilago tritici
12. Who discovered the downey mildew for the first
time in India ?
(A) EJ Butler (B) JF Dastur
(C) B B Mundakur (D) KR Kirtikar
13. VAM is–
(A) Bacteria (B) Fungi
(C) Virus (D) Algae
14. In plants buckling, puckering and blistering
symptoms are produced by–
(A) Bacteria (B) Fungi
(C) Viruses (D) Mycoplasma
15. Margosa is a highly effective product in
reducing root-knot population belongs to–
(A) Acacia arabica (B) Azadirachta indica
(C) Citrullus colosunthes (D) Pongamia glabra
16. The mature particle of a plant virus in
generally known as–
(A) Capsid (B) Viroid
(C) Virion (D) Nucleocapsid
17. Mad cow disease is caused by
(A) Virion (B)
(C) Bacteria (D) MLO
18. Race specific resistance called–
(A) Vertical resistance (B) Horizontal resistance
(C) Adult plant resistance (D) Apparent resistance
19. 'Buck eye rot' is a disease of which crop
(A) Water chestnut (B) Sweet potato
(C) Pods of garden pea (D) Tomato fruits
20. Sterility mosaic disease of pigeonpea spread by
(A) Virus (B) Aphid
(C) Whitefly (D)
21. In north India and central India, the black
rust inoculum cause from–
(A) South (B) Hilly area
(C) From USA (D) From Nepal
22. Decomposition of organic matter in submerged
soil is carried out by–
(A) Bacteria (B) Actinomycetes
(C) Fungi (D) Earthworm
23. Yellow leaf mosaic of bhindi crop spreads by–
(A) Jassids (B) Borers
(C) Jassid and borers (D) None of these
24. The Bordeaux mixture was discovered by
Millardet at Boardeaux in France in year–
(A) 1807 (B)
(C) 1905 (D) 1936
25. Who did most of his work on rust diseases in
(A) R Prasad (B)
KC Mehta
(C) BB Mundakur (D) EJ Butler
26. Which is most recent widely used fungicide for
the control of powdery mildew?
(A) Calaxin (B) Sulphur dust
(C) Dithan M-45 (D) Apron SD-35
27. Sucidal germination takes place in–
(A) Dodder (B)
(C) Lorattthus (D) Dendrophthoe falcata
28. Cell wall lack microorganism
(A) Bacteria (B) Virus
(C) Fungi (D)
29. Citrus greening caused by the–
(A) Fastidious bacteria (B) Fungi
(C) Virus (D) MLO
30. The pathogen responsible for charcoal rot of
soybean is–
(A) Ascoclujta rabiei (B) Macrophoinina phaseolina
(C) Rhizoctonia solani (D) Penicillium
31. Citrus canker (lesions), which originated from
China is caused by pathogen
(A) Kanthomonas
cantpestris pv. citri (B) Albugo
(C) Enoinia annjlouora (D) Claviceps fusifomtis
32. The ascus is a sexual fruit of ascomycetes
having a globose shape but no ostile (opening) is known as–
(A) Cleistothecia (B) Perithecia
(C) Apothecia (D) All of these
33. 'Little leaf' in brinjal is caused by a–
(A) Fungus (B) Bacteria
(C) Virus
(D) Mycoplasma
34. The viruses which are usually helped or
accompanied by smaller spherical particles of another serologically unrelated
virus known as–
(A) Satellite virus (B) Geminiviruses
(C) Virid (D) Capsid
35. 'White blisters of crucifers' is caused by
(A) PytTtilltll debarunasn (B) Albugo candida
(C) Sclerospora sorgbi (D) Plasntopora viticola
36. For quick and accurate detection of viruses
can be done by
(C) lEM (D)
All of these
37. Most widely used biocontrol agent is
(A) Pseudomonas
florescence (B) P. putida
(C) Bacillus subiilis (D) Clostridium
38. Yellow mosaic of legumes was first reported in
India from–
(A) Shimla (B) Solan
(C) Delhi (D) Kanpur
39. MLD and spiroplasma are mostly–
(A) Xylem inhibiting (B) Phloem inhibiting
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Stomata inhibiting
40. Soil micro-organisms are most active at–
(A) I8-20°C (B) 26-28°C
(C) 30 - 32°C (D) 34 - 36 °C
41. The term virus was first time coined by
(A) Kuhn (B)
(C) Stanley (D) None of these
42. In rust cycle the cereal host is infected by–
(A) Urediospores (B) Aeciospores
(C) Teliospores (D) Basidiospores
43. Select the wrong pair–
(A) Ergot of bajra : Claviceps fusifonnis
(B) False smut of rice: C. oryzae
(C) Ergot of rye : C. purpurea
(D) Red rot of
sugarcane: Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes
44. The attack of sheath blight of rice (caused by
Rhizoctouia solauis is more during–
(A) Germination (B)
Active tillering stage
(C) Flowering (D) All of these
45. The nematodes lack organs for–
(A) Circulation (B) Respiration
(C) Both (A) & (B) (D) Excretory
46. In the attack of which class of nematodes, the
presence of white to brown cysts projecting on the root surface is a
characteristic symptom–
(A) Longidorus (B) Globodera
(C) Meloidogijne (D) Trichodorus
47. G + C content of prokaryotes is–
(A) 20 % (B) 30 %
(C) 50 % (D) 70 %
48. 'Plant Pathology' written by–
(A) RS Singh (B)
(C) VS Singh (D) AP Sinha
49. Hot water treatment of seed is useful for
control of–
(A) Loose smut (B) Covered smut
(C) Rust (D) Powdery mildew
50. Rust includes in–
(A) Deuteromycotina (B) Basidiomycotina
(C) Ascomycotina (D) Oomycetes