MCQ on Principles of Seed Technology

 MCQ on 

Principles of Seed Technology


  1. 1.     Which is total root parasite 

    A.    Orobanchae

    B.    Conophalis

    C.    Epitagus

    D.    Epitagus and Orobanchae

    E.     All


    2.     +ve photoblastic seeds are

    A.    Nigella

    B.    Silene

    C.    Nemophills

    D.    Arraranutum

    E.     None


    3.     The quality of seed alone is known to account for at least 10-15% increase in the

    A.    Production

    B.    Disease attack

    C.    Productivity

    D.    Plant health

    E.     Insect attack


    4.     lack of quality seed continues to be one of the greatest impediments to bridging the vast

    A.    Yield gap

    B.    Plant gap

    C.    Thinning gap

    D.    Irrigation gap

    E.     All of them


    5.     to approach the potentially realizable yield of a cultivar, it is essential to do production and distribution of

    A.    Seed

    B.    Quality seed

    C.    Plant

    D.    Fruit

    E.     Grain


    6.     characters of quality seed includes

    A.    Genetic purity

    B.    Uniformity

    C.    Disease free

    D.    Viable

    E.     All of them


    7.     Acceptable uniformity of seed is with respect to

    A.    Size, shape and color

    B.    Shape

    C.    Color

    D.    Shape and color

    E.     Size


    8.     Systemized crop production is known as

    A.    Grain production

    B.    Agronomy

    C.    Fruit production

    D.    Seed production

    E.     Cereal production


    9.     The benefits of seed production are

    A.    Higher income and higher quality seed for next sowing

    B.    Higher quality seed for next sowing

    C.    High quality straw

    D.    Higher income

    E.     Big seeds


    10.  for seed production Basic seed should be from an

    A.    From any source

    B.    An authentic source

    C.    Only hybrids are grown

    D.    Previous year saved seed

    E.     Non quality seed


    11.  for crop production Basic seed should be from an

    A.    From any source

    B.    An authentic source

    C.    Only hybrids are grown

    D.    Previous year saved seed

    E.     Non quality seed


    12.  for seed production Seed plot should be selected carefully for better performance, as per

    A.    Edaphic requirement

    B.    Environmental requirement

    C.    Edaphic and environmental requirement

    D.    Birds present

    E.     Trees around field


    13.  seed production needs isolation from

    A.    Humans

    B.    Varities

    C.    Machines

    D.    Birds present

    E.     Trees around field


    14.  In seed production Resultant seed should be

    A.    Vigorous

    B.    Viable

    C.    Cheap

    D.    Vigorous and viable

    E.     Chemically treated


    15.  In seed production Importance is given to

    A.    Seed quality over yield

    B.    Chemical fertilizers

    C.    Yield over quality

    D.    Seed price

    E.     Seed rate


    16.  Rouging is important practice in

    A.    Grain production

    B.    Crop production

    C.    Crop selling

    D.    Seed selling

    E.     Seed production


    17.  Difference between seed and grain is

    A.    Seed processing

    B.    Genetic purity

    C.    Seed quality

    D.    Cost

    E.     Price


    18.  Seed drying is very important to maintain its

    A.    Oil content

    B.    Protein content

    C.    Viability and vigour

    D.    Chemical composition

    E.     Vigour


    19.  Slow drying seed is

    A.    Cereals

    B.    Pulses

    C.    Grass

    D.    Mustard

    E.     Sesamum


    20.  germination is inhibited by

    A.    Red light

    B.    Blue light

    C.    UV light

    D.    IR light

    E.     Green light


    21.  The Standard for germination % min. for certified seed of gram is

    A.    75

    B.    80

    C.    85

    D.    90

    E.     95


    22.  T2 test colur of living tissues of seed changed to

    A.    Red

    B.    Blue

    C.    Yellow

    D.    Green

    E.     Black


    23.  Neurotoxin present in lathyrus is

    A.    BoAB

    B.    BOAA

    C.    AOBA

    D.    AOAB

    E.     ABAO


    24.  Solar treatment is used for

    A.    Stem rust

    B.    Blast

    C.    Powdery mildew

    D.    Bunt

    E.     Loose smut


    25.  For seed samples kept in an incubator for germination test light is

    A.    Never essential

    B.    Always essential

    C.    Not harmful

    D.    Harmful

    E.     None


    26.  the two most important factors influencing the life span of seeds under storage are

    A.    Temperature

    B.    Rh and temperature

    C.    Rh and rain fall

    D.    Rh

    E.     Rainfall


    27.  Sugar turu out from cane in India

    A.    Leachate test

    B.    GADA test

    C.    ATPase test

    D.    Exhaustion test

    E.     Cane test


    28.  The equipment used to apply chemicals that involves suspension and wettable powder treatment material in water is

    A.    Direct treaters

    B.    Panogen treaters

    C.    Slury treaters

    D.    Mist-o-matic treaters

    E.     Water treater


    29.  Fungi and Bacteria usually enters through–

    A.    Insect puntyre

    B.    Stomata

    C.    Wounds

    D.    Hydathodes

    E.     Roots


    30.  Stripe rust is due to

    A.     P. graminis striformis

    B.     P. graminis recondita

    C.    P. grantiuis tritici

    D.    P. grantiuis

    E.     P. rustica


    31.  Average diameter of bulbet of onion (seed standard) shall not be less than

    A.    1 cm

    B.    2.5 cm 

    C.    3 cm

    D.    2 cm

    E.     4 cm


    32.  Indian cotton is

    A.    Herbaceiun

    B.    Arbore um

    C.    Hirsuium

    D.    Barbadense

    E.     None


    33.  Haryali Yojna is related to

    A.    Soil management 

    B.    Water management

    C.    Crop management 

    D.    Air management

    E.     IPM


    34.  Seedlessness in fruits is called as

    A.    Parthenogensis

    B.    Apomixis

    C.    Parthenocarpy

    D.    apogamy

    E.     apospory


    35.  Centre of origin of rice is

    A.    SW Asia

    B.    South America

    C.    North America

    D.    SE Asia

    E.     NE asia


    36.  The Got is done for verification of

    A.    Physical purity

    B.    Genetic purity

    C.    Germination %

    D.    Vigour test

    E.     Seed size test


    37.  Flaring of square in cotton is due to

    A.    Pink boll worm

    B.    American boll worm

    C.    Australian ball worm

    D.    Green ball worm

    E.     Spotted boll worm


    38.  Possible reasons for seed dormancy is

    A.    Immature embryo

    B.    Presence of pathogens

    C.    Cracking of hulls

    D.    Green distortion

    E.     Nonviability


    39.  Middle layer of fruit wall is called

    A.    Mericarp

    B.    Microbyle

    C.    Meristem 

    D.    Mesocarp

    E.     Memocarp


    40.  Mite don't survive below

    A.    5°C

    B.    7°C

    C.    10°C

    D.    15°C

    E.     12°C


    41.  ISTA was established in the year

    A.    1871

    B.    1876

    C.    1921

    D.    1924

    E.     1918


    42.  While sampling from a seed lot of 50 bags, the minimum number of primary sample should be

    A.    5

    B.    15

    C.    10

    D.    20

    E.     18


    43.  Certified seed of cotton should have minimum germination of

    A.    50% 

    B.    60%

    C.    70%

    D.    80%

    E.     90%


    44.  Occurrence of more than one embryo in seed is known as

    A.    Polysomy

    B.    Polyembryoy

    C.    Apogamy

    D.    Apospory

    E.     Parthinocarpy


    45.  First hybrid of Pegion pea in the world is

    A.    ICPH - 8

    B.    ICPH - 10

    C.    PUSA - Arhar

    D.    PUSA HR - I

    E.     UPAS-120


    46.  The moisture content for safe storage of cerrals is

    A.    12-14%

    B.    4-16%

    C.    16-18%

    D.    18-20%

    E.     14-16%


    47.  The constituent of wheat affecting its baking quality is

    A.    Pectin

    B.    Vitamin B1

    C.    Glutin

    D.    Moisture

    E.     Starch


    48.  The blotter method of seed health testing detects primarily

    A.    Virus

    B.    Bacteria

    C.    Nematodes

    D.    Fungi

    E.     Protozoa


    49.  A sound seed certification programme requires–

    A.    Direct participation of breeder

    B.    Use of sophisticated equipment

    C.    Classification of seed

    D.    Support of law

    E.     Seed policy


    50.  The Rudimentary root of the seed or seedling that forms the primary root of the young plant is known as

    A.    Rachis

    B.    Radicle

    C.    Rachilla

    D.    Raceme

    E.     Racemose


    51.  Mode of pollination in maize is

    A.    Self-pollination

    B.    Vegetative propagation

    C.    Cross-pollination

    D.    Chlistogamy

    E.     None


    52.  T2 test colour of living tissues of seed changed to

    A.    Red

    B.    Blue

    C.    Yellow

    D.    Green

    E.     White


    53.  Maximum moisture content for safe storage in wheat seed is

    A.    10

    B.    8

    C.    20

    D.    12

    E.     4


    54.  The structure and function of nitrogenase can be studied by

    A.    NMR

    B.    EPR

    C.    Massbauer spectroscopy

    D.    EPR

    E.     All


    55.  In India, normally how many generation system seed are produced?

    A.    3

    B.    1

    C.    2

    D.    4

    E.     5


    56.  Dicot endospermic seed is

    A.    Castor

    B.    Fenugreek

    C.    Bean

    D.    Bean and caster

    E.     Castor and feneugreek


    57.  When the pathogen is loosely mixed with seed in the form of sclerotia, galls etc., are called

    A.    Infection

    B.    Infestation

    C.    Contamination

    D.    Concomitant contamination

    E.     Incubation


    58.  Tetrazolium test determine the level of activities of enzyme

    A.    ATPase

    B.    Dehydrogenase

    C.    Carboxylase

    D.    Isomerase

    E.     oxygenase


    59.  Murate of potash is

    A.    K2S04

    B.    KCl

    C.    KNO3

    D.    K2HPO4

    E.     K2H


    60.  Production of seedless grapes require

    A.    Gibberlins

    B.    NAA

    C.    Ethylene

    D.    IAA

    E.     BAA


    61.  Inflorescence of cauliflower is called

    A.    Catkin

    B.    Head

    C.    Curd

    D.    Kernal

    E.     Bunch


    62.  Pusa snow ball is variety of

    A.    Sapotqa

    B.    Cauliflower

    C.    Ber

    D.    Cabbage

    E.     Anola


    63.  Development of embryo without fertillization is

    A.    Apomixis

    B.    Amghimixis

    C.    Parheno carpy

    D.    Apospory

    E.     Amphimixis


    64.  Seed is

    A.    Developed ovule

    B.    Fertilized and developed ovule

    C.    Developed ovary

    D.    Fertilized and developed ovary

    E.     all of them


    65.  the smallest and lightest seed is that of

    A.    Lemna

    B.    Morus

    C.    Orchis

    D.    Wolffia

    E.     Mustard


    66.  the largest and heaviest seed is that of

    A.    Lodoicea

    B.    Coconut

    C.    Palm

    D.    Rafflesia

    E.     Mango


    67.  the seed bearing plants belong to the group of

    A.    Pteridophyta

    B.    Bryophyta

    C.    Vascular cryptogams

    D.    Phanerogams

    E.     Ascomycota


    68.  outer seed coat is

    A.    Testa

    B.    Tegmen

    C.    Hilum

    D.    Funiculus

    E.     Mesocarp


    69.  Seed bud is

    A.    Plumule

    B.    Tegmen

    C.    Ovule

    D.    Mesocotyl

    E.     Mesocarp


    70.  Tegmen is the name of

    A.    Embryo shoot

    B.    Embryonic node

    C.    Cotyledon

    D.    Inner seed coat

    E.     Plumule


    71.  Hilum of seed is

    A.    Scar of micropyle

    B.    Scar of funiculus

    C.    Pollen tube entry point

    D.    Mesocotyl

    E.     Plumule


    72.  Tigellum is

    A.    Embryonic axis

    B.    Embryonic root

    C.    Embryonic shoot

    D.    Embryonic leaf

    E.     Embryo


    73.  Seed leaf is

    A.    Leaf present over the plumule

    B.    Cotyledon

    C.    Coleoptiles

    D.    Mesocotyl

    E.     Mesocarp


    74.  Which one is the reproductive unit having an embryo, reserve food and protective covering

    A.    Spore

    B.    Fruit

    C.    Seed

    D.    Flower

    E.     Fruitlet


    75.  In exalbuminous seeds, there is

    A.    No endosperm

    B.    More endosperm

    C.    Abundant protein

    D.    Endosperm consumtion during seed development

    E.     None


    76.  In exalbuminous seed the food is generally stored in

    A.    Endosperm initially but hypocotyls later on

    B.    Cotyledon

    C.    Endosperm from starting

    D.    Testa

    E.     Hilum


    77.  The seed in which reserve food is present in the perisperm

    A.    Nymphaea

    B.    Coconut

    C.    Onion

    D.    Litchi

    E.     Wheat


    78.  An endospermic seed is

    A.    Pea

    B.    Gram

    C.    Castor

    D.    Bean

    E.     Mung


    79.  Endosperm of Areca/Betel Nut is

    A.    4x

    B.    Soft

    C.    Smooth

    D.    Ruminate

    E.     Smallest


    80.  Integumentary outgrowth present over the micropyle of Castor is

    A.    Chalaza

    B.    Caruncle

    C.    Aril

    D.    Wing

    E.     Kernal


    81.  Hair of cotton are

    A.    Outgrowth of testa

    B.    Outgrowth of inner layer of perisperm

    C.    Aril

    D.    Chalaza

    E.     Caruncle


    82.  Which is an albuminous seed

    A.    Gram

    B.    Castor

    C.    Maize

    D.    Castor and maize

    E.     Gram and maize


    83.  The remnants of nucellus present in the seed constitute

    A.    Endosperm

    B.    Endocarp

    C.    Pericarp

    D.    Perisperm

    E.     Aril


    84.  Cotyledon is absent in

    A.    Polygonum

    B.    Cuscuta

    C.    Santalam

    D.    Shorea

    E.     Castor


    85.  The plant in which hypocotyls stores food is

    A.    Bertholettia

    B.    Nymphea

    C.    Cotton

    D.    Rice

    E.     Maize


    86.  A dicot albuminous seed is

    A.    Pea

    B.    Castor

    C.    Bean

    D.    Gram

    E.     Rice


    87.  A dicot exalbuminous seed is

    A.    Pea

    B.    Castor

    C.    Bean

    D.    Gram

    E.     Rice


    88.  In Maize, a tubular sheath covers the plumule. It is

    A.    Fleshy

    B.    Leathery

    C.    Papery

    D.    Green

    E.     Mesocarp


    89.  In Maize, a tubuler sheath covers the plumule. It is

    A.    Coleoptiles

    B.    Coleorhiza

    C.    Mesocortyl

    D.    Scutellum

    E.     Hilum


    90.  Layer present on the outside of endosperm and having protein in grain is

    A.    Coleorhiza

    B.    Mesocortyl

    C.    Scutellum

    D.    Hilum

    E.     Aleurone 


    91.  Seed of Black Pepper is

    A.    Endospermic

    B.    Exalbuminous

    C.    Acotyledonous

    D.    Perispermic

    E.     Scutellum


    92.  Coleorhizae is

    A.    Covering of radicle

    B.    Plumule covering

    C.    Root cap

    D.    Root hair

    E.     Sheath


    93.  Aleurone layer takes part in

    A.    Protection of delicate embryo

    B.    Enzyme synthesis

    C.    Transfer of food to cotyledons

    D.    Transfer of food from cotyledons to embryo tips

    E.     Root hair


    94.  Which one is a monocotyledonous seed

    A.     Pisum sativum

    B.     Cicer arietinum

    C.    Dolichos lablab

    D.    Triticum aestivum

    E.     Racinus communis


    95.  A spongy white bilobed structures present at the narrow tip of Castor seed is

    A.    Strophiole

    B.    Caruncle

    C.    Raphae

    D.    Chalaza

    E.     Hilum


    96.  The function of caruncle is to

    A.    Protect the radicle end of embryo

    B.    Check entry of pathogens through micropyle

    C.    Protect against mechanical injury

    D.    Absorb water and its inward transfer through micropyle

    E.     Beautify the seed


    97.  Seeds are required for fruit growth

    A.    Throughout year

    B.    Early phase

    C.    Late phase

    D.    Mid phase

    E.     None


    98.  A seed which does not possess micropyle and hilum is

    A.    Pea

    B.    Castor

    C.    Bean

    D.    Maize

    E.     Gram


    99.  In Ricinus, the outer white papery covering of endosperm is

    A.    Perisperm/Tegmen

    B.    Tigellum

    C.    Tegmen

    D.    Micropyle

    E.     Hilum


    100.                   Cotyledonary node of embryo lies between

    A.    Hypocotyl

    B.    Epicotyl

    C.    Hypocotyl and epicotyl

    D.    Plumule

    E.     None


    101.                   Seed having the longest viability is

    A.    Chenopodium

    B.    Quercus

    C.    Nelumbo

    D.    Eucalyptus

    E.     All of them


    102.                   Viability of the seed is tested with

    A.    Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride

    B.    IAA

    C.    Mercuric chloride

    D.    2,4-D

    E.     All of them


    103.                   A seed cut into two halves and immersed in 0.1% triphenyl tetrazolium chloride solution. Its viability is indicated by development of colouration

    A.    Yellow

    B.    Pink

    C.    Red

    D.    Blue

    E.     Green


    104.                   Freshly liberated seeds of Erianthus hiemalis do not germinate due to

    A.    Impermeable seed coat

    B.    Immature embryo

    C.    Dormancy

    D.    Quiescence

    E.     Growth hormone absence


    105.                   Freshly shed seeds can germinate immediately under favourable conditions in

    A.     Xanthium

    B.     Pisum sativum

    C.    Zea mays

    D.    Oryzae sativa

    E.     Pisum sativum and Zea mays


    106.                   Common cause of seed and bud dormancy is presence of

    A.    Ethylene

    B.    Cytokinin

    C.    Abscisic acid

    D.    Mercuric chloride

    E.     2,4-d


    107.                   Seeds of tomato do not germinate in its pulp due to

    A.    Presence of ferulic acid

    B.    Presence of excess salt

    C.    Absence of oxygen

    D.    Presence of aba

    E.     None


    108.                   Seed dormancy may be due to

    A.    Permeable seed coat

    B.    Hard impermeable seed coat

    C.    Thin seed coat

    D.    Lack of reserve food

    E.     None


    109.                   Wheat germ is

    A.    Cotyledon

    B.    Endosperm

    C.    Embryo

    D.    Ovule

    E.     Plumule


    110.                   The hormone which can break seed dormancy is

    A.    Ethylene

    B.    Cytokinin

    C.    Abscisic acid

    D.    Ga

    E.     2,4-d


    111.                   Mechanical injuring of seed coat to break dormancy is called

    A.    Scarification

    B.    Stratification

    C.    Impaction

    D.    Compaction

    E.     Strandification


    112.                   Thiourea is used in overcoming seed dormancy by

    A.    Chemical scarification

    B.    Counteracting inhibitors

    C.    Inducing cell division

    D.    Develop osmatic pressure

    E.     Compaction


    113.                   The most important external factor for seed germination is

    A.    Light

    B.    Soil

    C.    Oxygen

    D.    Water

    E.     Air


    114.                   The first process which occurs when the seed is placed in the soil is

    A.    Photosynthesis

    B.    Respiration

    C.    Imbibition

    D.    Diffusion

    E.     Solubilisation of food


    115.                   Seeds placed deep in the soil do not germinate because they are

    A.    Unable to get sufficient oxygen

    B.    Without sufficient food to bring the seedling the surface

    C.    Under pressure of overlying soil layers

    D.    Unable to get light

    E.     Viability


    116.                   During germination, micropyle of seed takes part in

    A.    Forming weak for emergence of radicle

    B.    Absorption of water

    C.    Passage of gases

    D.    Leaching inhibitors

    E.     Cell Division


    117.                   which are the external conditions required for seed germination

    A.    Oxygen, carbon dioxide and suitable temperature

    B.    Oxygen, light and suitable temperature

    C.    Light, moisture and suitable temperature

    D.    Oxygen, moisture and suitable temperature

    E.     None


    118.                   A seed which does not require oxygen for germination is

    A.    Pea

    B.    Rice

    C.    Typha

    D.    Rice and Typha

    E.     Pea and Rice


    119.                   A seed which is unable to germinate in the presence of light is

    A.    Viscum

    B.    Onion

    C.    Bean

    D.    Maize

    E.     All of them


    120.                   A seed which is unable to germinate in the presence of light is

    A.    Lettuce

    B.    Viscum

    C.    Onion

    D.    Bean

    E.     Maize


    121.                   Part of the embryo which comes out first during seed germination is

    A.    Radicle

    B.    Plumule

    C.    Epicotyls

    D.    Hypocotyl

    E.     Mesocotyl


    122.                   Which is not essential for seed germination in most cases

    A.    Oxygen

    B.    Light

    C.    Temperature

    D.    Moisture

    E.     None


    123.                   Part of the seed which forms the shoot at the time of germination is

    A.    Radicle

    B.    Plumule

    C.    Epicotyls

    D.    Hypocotyl

    E.     Mesocotyl


    124.                   Germination is hypogeal in

    A.    Pea

    B.    Rice

    C.    Typha

    D.    Rice and Typha

    E.     Pea and Rice


    125.                   Vivipary is seed germination

    A.    In strong light

    B.    Without cotyledons

    C.    Inside fruits

    D.    Cotyledons above ground

    E.     Germination after dormancy


    126.                   Cotyledons constitute the first pair of leaves in

    A.    Castor

    B.    Pea

    C.    Maize

    D.    Gram

    E.     All of them


    127.                   Epigeal germination occurs in

    A.    Pea

    B.    Maize

    C.    Gram

    D.    Castor

    E.     Wheat


    128.                   Vivipary occurs in

    A.    Mangrove plants

    B.    Alpine plants

    C.    Tropical plants

    D.    Desert plants

    E.     Vallisneria


    129.                   Argemone mexicana is an objectionable weed in

    A.    Wheat

    B.    Mustard

    C.    Castor

    D.    Pea

    E.     Maize


    130.                   Breeder seed is the progeny of

    A.    Registered seed

    B.    Nucleus seed

    C.    Foundation seed

    D.    Certified seed

    E.     None


    131.                   Certification is not required for

    A.    Registered seed

    B.    Nucleus seed

    C.    Foundation seed

    D.    Breeder seed

    E.     All of them


    132.                   Cuscuta is an objectionable weed of

    A.    Cowpea

    B.    Berseem

    C.    Sorghum

    D.    Lucern

    E.     Wheat


    133.                   Headquarters of the Union for the Protection of New Plant varieties is in

    A.    Thailand

    B.    Uk

    C.    Usa

    D.    Denmark

    E.     Switzerland


    134.                   Improved seed includes

    A.    Registered seed

    B.    Nucleus seed

    C.    Foundation seed

    D.    Breeder seed

    E.     All of them


    135.                   In Bhindi, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of

    A.    100 m

    B.    20m

    C.    50 m

    D.    200m

    E.     3 m


    136.                   In sunflower, production of foundation seed requires an isolation distance of (metres)

    A.    100 m

    B.    400m

    C.    50 m

    D.    200m

    E.     3 m


    137.                   In wheat, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of

    A.    100 m

    B.    400m

    C.    50 m

    D.    200m

    E.     3 m


    138.                   Physical purity of 95% is permissible for the foundation and certified seed of

    A.    Soyabeen

    B.    Groundnut

    C.    Carrot

    D.    Spinach

    E.     Wheat


    139.                   Physical purity, is permissible (98%) in the crop

    A.    Rice

    B.    Soyabeen

    C.    Groundnut

    D.    Carrot

    E.     Spinach


    140.                   Plant Breeders' Rights are operating in

    A.    Germany

    B.    Denmark

    C.    Netherlands

    D.    India

    E.     All of them


    141.                   Production of breeder seed in cotton requires an isolation distance of

    A.    100 m

    B.    20m

    C.    50 m

    D.    200m

    E.     3 m


    142.                   Seed certification requires

    A.    Improved variety

    B.    Genetic purity

    C.    Physical purity

    D.    Quality seed

    E.     All of them


    143.                   Seed meant for generation distribution to the farmers for commercial crop production refers to

    A.    Foundation seed

    B.    Breeder seed

    C.    Certified seed

    D.    Nucleus seed

    E.     Certified seed


    144.                   The recommended ratio of male rows to female rows is in hybrid bajra production

    A.    2 to 4

    B.    1 to 2

    C.    4 to 8

    D.    3 to 6

    E.     4 to 6


    145.                   Freedom from inert matter and defective seeds

    A.    Genetic purity

    B.    Physical purity

    C.    Defective purity

    D.    Normal purity

    E.     None


    146.                   International Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) in ______ classified seed into different categories

    A.    1964

    B.    1946

    C.    1963

    D.    1972

    E.     1984


    147.                   Presently ICAR has ______ breeder seed production units

    A.    45

    B.    92

    C.    107

    D.    54

    E.     45


    148.                   Cotylodons in gymnosperms are called

    A.    Embryo

    B.    Mega gamitophyte

    C.    Endosperm

    D.    Integuments

    E.     Microgamitophyte


    149.                   The first private seed came into existence in the year

    A.    1918

    B.    1987

    C.    1959

    D.    1912

    E.     1917


    150.                   First private seed company was

    A.    Monsanto

    B.    Namdhari

    C.    Sutton & sons

    D.    Mahyco

    E.     Takii


    151.                   The hybrids developed by Government Agencies or Government Institutions and Agricultural Universities are called

    A.    Private hybrids

    B.    Public hybrids

    C.    Government hybrids

    D.    HYV

    E.     None


    152.                   The coarse rice generally has a ______ aleurone layer

    A.    Larger

    B.    Smaller

    C.    Bigger

    D.    Smoother

    E.     Medium


    153.                   Coloured varieties of rice have _____ aleurone layer

    A.    Thinner

    B.    Thicker

    C.    Coarse

    D.    Smoother

    E.     Medium


    154.                   TDC came into existence in

    A.    1996

    B.    1962

    C.    1926

    D.    1969

    E.     1942


    155.                   Contamination permitted in maize is

    A.    1%

    B.    2%

    C.    0.10%

    D.    0.20%

    E.     0.50%


    156.                   Breeder seed production units of ICAR producing ______ tonnes of breeder seed

    A.    7300

    B.    3700

    C.    37

    D.    73

    E.     700


    157.                   The first symbolic Importance of seed started after the report of Famine Commission in

    A.    1881

    B.    1890

    C.    1891

    D.    1892

    E.     1894


    158.                   Pure Live Seed (PLS) is related to

    A.    Physical purity

    B.    Genetic purity

    C.    Germination %

    D.    Contamination

    E.     Inner matter


    159.                   Breeder seed is _____ % pure

    A.    99

    B.    100

    C.    70

    D.    99.99

    E.     80


    160.                   In flowering plants a second seed coat is known as

    A.    Integument

    B.    Aleurone layer

    C.    Tegamen

    D.    Inner ventral scale

    E.     Hilum


    161.                   Standards of germination for seed certification in chillies

    A.    60%

    B.    70%

    C.    80%

    D.    90%

    E.     100%


    162.                   International Seed Testing Association was organized on

    A.    10-Jul-24

    B.    12-Jul-25

    C.    10-Jul-25

    D.    12-Jun-25

    E.     none


    163.                   father of seed technology

    A.    Mendel

    B.    Nobbel

    C.    Darwin

    D.    Aristotle

    E.     None


    164.                   national seed corporation was initiated in 1961 & it started functioning in

    A.    Jul-63

    B.    Jun-63

    C.    Jan-62

    D.    Jul-64

    E.     Jun-64


    165.                   the indian seed act was enacted in

    A.    29-Dec-66

    B.    22-Jan-66

    C.    29-Jan-88

    D.    29-Jul-89

    E.     31-Dec-55


    166.                   national seed policy formed in

    A.    2008

    B.    2002

    C.    2004

    D.    2006

    E.     2000


    167.                   National seed corporation headquater is in

    A.    Mumbai

    B.    New Delhi

    C.    Zurich

    D.    IRRI

    E.     IARI


    168.                   The first state that established an official seed certification agency during 1970

    A.    Karnatka

    B.    UP

    C.    AP

    D.    Maharashtra

    E.     WB


    169.                   The first state that established an official seed certification agency as autonomous body during 1974

    A.    Karnatka

    B.    UP

    C.    AP

    D.    Maharashtra

    E.     WB


    170.                   ISTA stands for

    A.    International seed technique assosiation

    B.    International seed testing assosiation

    C.    Indian seed testing assosiation

    D.    Indian seed technique assosiation

    E.     None


    171.                   Central lab of AGMARK is situated at

    A.    Lucknow

    B.    Kanpur

    C.    Delhi

    D.    Nagpur

    E.     Mumbai


    172.                   Seed bank scheme started in

    A.    2002

    B.    2000

    C.    2005

    D.    2004

    E.     2008


    173.                   In India seed labelling is

    A.    Compulsory

    B.    Not needed

    C.    Done rarely

    D.    Never done

    E.     Randomly done


    174.                   Breeder seed tag colour is

    A.    White

    B.    Golden yellow

    C.    Purple

    D.    Blue

    E.     Olive green


    175.                   Foundation seed tag colour is

    A.    White

    B.    Golden yellow

    C.    Purple

    D.    Blue

    E.     Olive green


    176.                   Registered seed tag colour is

    A.    White

    B.    Golden yellow

    C.    Purple

    D.    Blue

    E.     Olive green


    177.                   Certified seed tag colour is

    A.    White

    B.    Golden yellow

    C.    Purple

    D.    Blue

    E.     Olive green


    178.                   Seed sample certificate colour is

    A.    White

    B.    Golden yellow

    C.    Purple

    D.    Blue

    E.     Olive green


    179.                   Seed lot certificate colour is

    A.    White

    B.    Golden yellow

    C.    Purple

    D.    Blue

    E.     Orange or green


    180.                   The impurity percentage of a seed lot is known as

    A.    Vigour

    B.    Dockage

    C.    Viability

    D.    Test weight

    E.     Test index


    181.                   100 seed weight is known as

    A.    Vigour

    B.    Dockage

    C.    Viability

    D.    Test weight

    E.     Test index


    182.                   1000 seed weight is called as

    A.    Vigour

    B.    Dockage

    C.    Viability

    D.    Test weight

    E.     Test index


    183.                   CMS stands for

    A.    Cytoplasmic sterile line

    B.    Cytoplasmic fertile line

    C.    Cytoplasmic male sterility

    D.    Cytoplasmic fertile line

    E.     None


    184.                   Plant variety means

    A.    Lowest rank in taxon

    B.    Highest rank in taxon

    C.    Highest rank in taxon

    D.    Not related to taxon

    E.     None


    185.                   Plant variety protection is required

    A.    To get higher yield

    B.    To get more paste resistant plant

    C.    To promote research and development

    D.    Germplasm registration

    E.     All of them


    186.                   The plant variety protected in India include

    A.    Extant variety

    B.    EDV

    C.    Land races

    D.    Farmers variety

    E.     All of them


    187.                   To register a plant variety, the criteria require include

    A.    New

    B.    Distinct

    C.    Uniform

    D.    Stability

    E.     All of them


    188.                   UPOV is

    A.    Convention for plant variety

    B.    United states patent

    C.    Convention for patent

    D.    United province

    E.     None


    189.                   Biodiversity means

    A.    Variety of life

    B.    Variety and variability of life

    C.    Variability within species

    D.    Both B and C

    E.     None


    190.                   The objective of CBD is/are

    A.    To conserve biological diversity

    B.    To promote sustainable use of component

    C.    protect biodiversity

    D.    Fair and equitable sharing of benefit

    E.     All of them


    191.                   Patenting genetic resources may leads to

    A.    Conservation of bio-diversity

    B.    Protection of bio-diversity

    C.    Destruction of bio-diversity

    D.    Registration of biodiversity

    E.     All of them


    192.                   IP commercialization can be done by

    A.    Licensing

    B.    Assignment

    C.    Entrepreneurship

    D.    Profit

    E.     All of them


    193.                   Which of the following is not a commercial class of seed?

    A.    Breeder

    B.    Foundation

    C.    Producer

    D.    Registered

    E.     Certified


    194.                   Which of the commercial classes of seed is sold to farmers:

    A.    Certified

    B.    Foundation

    C.    Breeder

    D.    Registered

    E.     Farmers seed


    195.                   (The number of healthy normal seedlings/number of seed tested) _ 100 =

    A.    Percent germination

    B.    Percent purity

    C.    % crop seed

    D.    % weed seed

    E.     % viability


    196.                   Seed test that provides information on weed seed and inert material is called:

    A.    Clean seed test

    B.    Wholesomeness test

    C.    Viability test

    D.    Purity percentage

    E.     None


    197.                   Percent live seed = (Y _ % purity)/100. What is "Y"?

    A.    % crop seed

    B.    % viability

    C.    % germination

    D.    % purity

    E.     % weed seed


    198.                   Which of the following is not a valid classification of weeds in a seed purity test?

    A.    Noxious weed

    B.    Restricted weed

    C.    Common weed

    D.    Annual weed

    E.     All of them


    199.                   A measure of the proportion of seeds in a lot that are capable of germinating is the

    A.    % viability

    B.    % purity

    C.    % germination

    D.    % crop seed

    E.     % weed seed


    200.                   In cryogenic storage, seeds are stored at

    A.    35 iC

    B.    65¡C

    C.    -192¡C

    D.    100iC

    E.     75iC


    201.                   How long a seed remains viable is its

    A.    Viability

    B.    Longevity

    C.    Vigour

    D.    Durability

    E.     Storability


    202.                   The period required by certain fruits for their immature embryo to develop after harvesting is called

    A.    After ripening

    B.    Dormancy

    C.    Curing

    D.    Maturity

    E.     Embryo maturity
