GUNGUN SEEDS AND AGROCHEMICALS RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE: Role of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture and Bringing Transparency in Financial Dealing and Quality Management

Role of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture and Bringing Transparency in Financial Dealing and Quality Management

Sanskriti University, Mathura


Name of Event:         Role of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture and Bringing Transparency in

Financial Dealing and Quality Management


Date of Event:           May 14, 2021


Organized by:           School of Agriculture


Event Coordinator:   Dr. Ranjana


Objective:                 To acquaint the agriculture students with the new employment-generating

Inter-disciplinary concepts and their application, during the pandemic era and post-pandemic.



                      The webinar  had Mr Amrendra as a speaker

Speaker Profile:


Mr. Amrendra Kumar is the Managing Director at Aurohill Middle East FZC, with the responsibility of overall business development and building corporate business relationships. He oversees the management and financial portfolios of the company and takes a keen interest in developing new growth areas for the company. Aurohill has been in the steel business for more than two decades with operations in Russia, UAE, India, and the USA. Since 2010, Aurohill has been representing CBMM Brazil in Russia and Belarus, the world’s largest producer of Ferro Niobium, a ferroalloy used for micro-alloying of steels. Apart from this Aurohill is engaged in the supply of pipes, fittings, valves, and flanges to oil and gas companies worldwide.

Aurohill also supplies API quality steel from qualified steel mills in Russia, China and India to the pipe mills around the world. Amrendra has interests in innovative and disruptive technologies like blockchain and its use in agriculture and bringing transparency in financial dealings, quality management, and bringing the aspect of provenance.

 The webinar started at 2:00 PM,

 A Welcome note was done by Miss Rinka,

 At 2:10 pm the speaker started to address the students and participants,

 The meeting platform was zoom, more than 289 participants joined the webinar

From all across the country.

Many college dignitaries like the respected chancellor, vice-chancellor, OSD mam, Dean academics a Hod's were also present in the webinar.


Mr. Amrendra first greeted the Sanskriti University for proving such a great platform to him.

Webinar basically emphasized on the online employment generation for Agriculture graduates by aquatinting them with the new employment generating Inter-disciplinary concepts and their application, during a pandemic era and post-pandemic. As a blockchain application in agriculture can open new doors of employment for agriculturists. The Speaker Mr Amrendra Brought forward many new sectors where blockchain technology is being used in the agriculture sector like crop insurance, disease prediction, making soil maps etc. The problems and challenges faced during blockchain application by agriculturist like data duplication etc., were also dealt separately, the webinar not only attracted students and faculties to listen but even many entrepreneurs also participated actively in the webinar.

 The Link to the webinar recording is:

Mr. Amrendra concluded the webinar by thanksgiving to Sanskriti University, School of Agriculture, and all the dignitaries of Sanskriti University.

The vote of thanks was given by Miss Rinka. The online successful webinar was live telecasted on Facebook by the IT department team of Sanskriti University under the supervision of Er. Sudhansu.

The success of the webinar can be understood with the fact that participants from the whole country participated with enthusing, and the question-answer round took almost half an hour.

The program was for one hour but the participants inquired about it to the speaker and coordinator for many days. Many suggested organizing such programs again and again in the future.


Program Outcome:

The webinar created great enthusiasm among the students that more than 100 Ag students were willing to know more about the courses related to blockchain technology.

The webinar brought forward the importance of blockchain technology and its application in agriculture, how it can be a game changer for Indian agriculture, as a new online employment generation sector for agriculture graduates etc.

No. of Faculty attended: 34

No. of Student attended: 273


Mr. Gaurav,

Dr. Praful,

Dr. Durgesh Nandan,

Miss Rinka,

Er. Sudhanshu


The organizing members are thankful to Sanskriti University for providing the necessary infrastructure and internet facility for the successful conduction of the webinar. We are also thankful to the speakers for being our resource person and providing quality content. The Participant's enthusiasm throughout the webinar made the event successful. Last but not least we are highly thankful to Dean Academics Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Sanskriti University for their constant support.