MCQ on Commercial Plant Breeding

Commercial Plant Breeding         


1.     Dr. Pushkar Nath is renowned

A.    Flower breeder

B.    Wheat breeder

C.    Rice breeder

D.    Potato breeder

2.     N.B.R.I stands for

A.    National Biological Research Institute

B.    New Botanical Research Institute

C.    National Botanical Research Institute

D.    National Breeding Research Institute

3.     Method of polyploid breeding is also useful as the induced bud can be used as

A.    Flower

B.    Propagule

C.    Food

D.    Hybrid

4.     Who is present D.G of ICAR

A.    Dr. Trilochan Mahapatra

B.    Dr. Trichurapalli Mahapatra

C.    Dr. Trilochan Mahajan

D.    Dr. T.S. Mahapatra

5.     A method of breeding commonly required to induced  desired variation in a vegetatively propagated crop is

A.    Emasculation

B.    Cloning

C.    Mutation

D.    Polyploidy

6.     Diplospory, Apospory and Adventive Embryony all are included within

A.    Aposory

B.    Agamospermy

C.    Digamospermy

D.    Haploid Apogamy

7.     Inside the ovules the MMC undergoes meiosis and produces

A.    1 megaspores

B.    4 megaspores

C.    2 megaspores

D.    3 megaspores

8.     A plant bearing both male and female flowers is known as

A.    Monoecious

B.    Dioecious

C.    Polygamous

D.    Hybrid

9.     A restorer gene is present in

A.    Cytoplasm

B.    Nucleus

C.    RNA

D.    Mitochondrial DNA

10.  In sweet potato unit used for propagation is

A.    Tuberous root

B.    Normal roots

C.    Fasciculated root

D.    Stem

11.  First man made cereal is

A.    Hexaploid wheat

B.    Triticale

C.    Hybrid cotton

D.    Secale

12.  When the character controlled by recessive genes are wanted in a population

A.    ABR system is used

B.    Crossing is done

C.    Back crossing is used

D.    Biotechnical tools are used

13.  Self-pollination leads to

A.    Hetrozyous

B.    Homozygosity

C.    Hetrogenous

D.    None

14.  The phenomenon where embryo develops from an un-fertilized egg cell or from a cell other than the egg cell within the embryo sac or from the cell outside the embryo sac is called

A.    Apomixis

B.    Pollination

C.    Fertilization

D.    Double fertilization

15.  Among the sexually reproduced crop plants there are two categories

A.    Parthenocapic and Parthenogenesis

B.    Cerials and Pulses

C.    Self-pollinated and Cross pollinated.

D.    Fertilized and Double fertilized

16.  Endospermous seed example are

A.    Pulses

B.    Cereals

C.    Millets

D.    Pea

17.  Due to prohibition of fertilization process, Apomixis is the way for exploitation of

A.    Paternal characters

B.    Pollination

C.    Maternal characters

D.    Both a and c

18.  Process of the fusion of male and female gametes and formation of seed is called

A.    Amphimixis

B.    Apomixis

C.    Sexual reproduction

D.    Both a and c

19.  Heterosis or hybrid vigor can be utilized for recurring production of seeds of

A.    F1 hybrids

B.    F2 hybrids

C.    F1 and f2 hybrids

D.    None

20.  Dahlia, asparagus are propagated by

A.    Tuberous root

B.    Normal roots

C.    Fasciculated root

D.    Stem

21.  In Apomixis rapid multiplication of genetically, uniform individuals is achieved without any risk of

A.    Mutation

B.    Segregation

C.    Both a and b

D.    None of the above

22.  At any stage of breeding programme if a breeder gets any desirable clone it can be maintained

A.    Vegetatively

B.    Sexually

C.    Mutation

D.    Hybridizing

23.  The mode of reproduction in crop plants may be broadly grouped into three categories viz.,

A.    Sexual, Apomictic and budding

B.    Vegetative, Apomictic and sexual.

C.    Vegetative, cloning and sexual.

D.    None of the above

24.  Parthenium argentatum exhibits

A.    Generative nucleus

B.    Generative Apogamy

C.    Generative Apospory

D.    Somatic Apospory

25.  In some plants the flower bud modified into globose bulb which are called

A.    Bulbils

B.    Seeds

C.    Fruits

D.    Buds

26.  The male  gametes are produced in

A.    Megaspore

B.    Microspores

C.    Nucellus

D.    Integument

27.  The microspore nucleus divides mitotically to produce generative and

A.    2 nucleus

B.    Vegetative nucleus

C.    Embryo sac

D.    Egg cells

28.  Double fertilization is also known as

A.    Alogamy

B.    Apogamy

C.    Triple fusion

D.    Hybridization

29.  Inbreeding depression due to attainment of

A.    Crossing

B.    Homogenous

C.    Heterozygosity

D.    Homozygosity

30.  Asexual or vegetative reproduction leads to perpetuation of the

A.    Different genotype

B.    Same genotype

C.    Different phenotype

D.    None of the above

31.  The endosperm is absorbed completely in

A.    Legumes

B.    Millets

C.    Cerials

D.    Oilseeds

32.  Cross pollination tends towards

A.    Homogenous

B.    Selfing

C.    Homozgosity

D.    Heterozygosity

33.  Who is father of Indian Green revolution

A.    Dr. Y.S. Swaminathan

B.    Dr. M. Swaminathan

C.    Dr. M.S. Swaminathan

D.    Dr. M.S krishman

34.  Phenomenon where plants produce both Apomictic and normal embryos is called as

A.    Facultative Apomixis

B.    Obligate Apomixis

C.    Parthenocarpy

D.    Apomixes

35.  Phenomenon found in Allium, Meliss, Crepis etc., are

A.    Generative Nucleus

B.    Generative Apogamy

C.    Somatic Apospory

D.    Generative Apospory

36.  In self-pollination, the genotype AA or aa will remain homozygous, whereas the genotype Aa will segregate into homozygous and heterozygous in 

A.    1:2 ratio

B.    1:1 ratio

C.    3:1 ratio

D.    No segregation

37.  Biological name of wheat is written as

A.     Triticum acellum

B.     Triticum aestivum

C.    Triticum aestivum

D.    Titicum secale

38.  Origin of Moong is

A.    India

B.    China

C.    Japan

D.    Africa

39.  Vegetative reproduction is also known as

A.    Asexual

B.    Apomictic

C.    Seed reproduction

D.    Fertilization

40.  Heterozygosity helps in developing vigor which is known as 

A.    Heterosis

B.    Hybrid vigor

C.    Hybrid

D.    A and b both

41.  Chromosome number of rice is

A.    24

B.    42

C.    32

D.    22

42.  IRRI is situated at

A.    Japan

B.    China

C.    Manila

D.    Thailand

43.  IR 24 is variety of

A.    Litchi

B.    Wheat

C.    Arhar

D.    Rice

44.  IPR stands for

A.    Indian plant rights

B.    Integrated plant relations

C.    Intellectual property rights

D.    International plant relations

45.  Irrespective of the degree of heterozygosity of the genotype  large number of clones are obtained in

A.    Sexual reproduction

B.    Asexual reproduction

C.    Pollination

D.    Fertilization

46.  The nucleus of functional megaspore divides mitotically three consecutive times to produce

A.    Two nucleus

B.    Eight nuclei

C.    Three nucleus

D.    Four nucleus

47.  FAO stands for

A.    Food and agriculture organization

B.    Frozen agriculture organization

C.    Food and organic agriculture organization

D.    Fruit and agriculture organization

48.  For plant breeding characters that are selected have

A.    Low heritability

B.    High yield

C.    High heritability

D.    No heritability

49.  The fusion of the vegetative nucleus with the polar cells leading to the formation of 

A.    Endosperm

B.    Embryo sac

C.    Pollen sac

D.    Integument

50.  In vegetative reproduction instead of seed plant part is used

A.    Leaf

B.    Stem

C.    Root

D.    All of the above

51.  Fusion of one of the male nucleus with the egg cell, to produce a diploid zygote, is known as

A.    Fertilization

B.    Pollination

C.    Sexual reproduction

D.    Asexual reproduction

52.  DUS stands for

A.    Distinctness, uniqueness and stability

B.    Distribution, uniformity and stability

C.    Distinctness, uniformity and stability

D.    Distinctness, uniformity and standard

53.  Heredity is dependent upon chromosomes, which carry the

A.    Genes

B.    Chromonema

C.    Matrix

D.    Genetics

54.  High yielding variety of mustard is

A.    UPAS-120

B.    Varuna

C.    Purple mutant

D.    Kranti

55.  Phenomenon where the substitution of sexual process occurs by asexual methods is known as

A.    Sexual reproduction

B.    Apomixis

C.    Pollination

D.    Fertilization

56.  The seed produced from transplanted Oryza sativa is called

A.    Paddy

B.    Rice

C.    Brown rice

D.    Golden rice

57.  Chromosome rearrangement, genetic recombination, mutation, structural and numerical changes of chromosome is responsible for

A.    Selection

B.    Production

C.    Genetics

D.    Variation

58.  The basic procedure in plant breeding to study inheritance pattern of a particular character is 

A.    Seed testing

B.    DNA testing

C.    Progeny testing

D.    Line testing

59.  High yielding variety of pea is

A.    Upas-120

B.    Varuna

C.    Rachna

D.    Laxami

60.  Vegetative reproduction is mostly found in  plants with no seed set, long reproduction cycle and

A.    Hetrophenotype

B.    Homogenotype

C.    Heterozygosity exists

D.    Homozygosity exists

61.  Production of microspores and megaspores is known as

A.    Spirogenesis

B.    Sporogenesis

C.    Pollination

D.    Hybridization

62.  Golden rice is used to combat mineral deficiency of

A.    Zinc

B.    Potash

C.    Iron

D.    Phosphorus

63.  If the heritable character is controlled by dominant gene then

A.    Seeds are attained

B.    Zygote is attained

C.    Heterozygosity is attained

D.    Homozygosity is attained

64.  The genes occur always in the alternative forms called as

A.    Alleles

B.    DNA

C.    Dominant gene

D.    Recessive gene

65.  In Orchis maculata, Platenthera chlorantha, Cephalanthera damasonium – the pollen tube enters but fails to fertilize is example of

A.    Apogamy

B.    Recurrent Apomixis

C.    Non-recurrent Apomixis

D.    Haploid parthenogenesis

66.  PMC stands for

A.    Pollen mother chemical

B.    Poly micron chemical

C.    Pollen mother cell

D.    Pollentube moter cell

67.  Suppose in a breeding programme of barley one breeder is selective for the “white and smooth awn” character, both of them are recessive characters, so in a dihybrid cross programme how many  “white and smooth awn” plants are obtained

A.    1

B.    3

C.    9

D.    16

68.  The parent holding more desirable characters is used as recurrent parent in a

A.    Recurrent selection

B.    Mass selection

C.    Back-crossing

D.    Test crossing

69.  Botanically seed is

A.    Mature ovule

B.    Leaf

C.    Fruit

D.    Grain

70.  Underground modified stems like rhizome used for propogation in

A.    Ginger

B.    Sweat potato

C.    Potato

D.    Garlic

71.  The difference between seed and grain is that seeds are

A.    Beautiful

B.    Big

C.    Vigors

D.    Viable

72.  Parts of perfect flower are

A.    Stamen and filaments

B.    Filaments and Gynoceum

C.    Pistel and stamens

D.    Petals and sepals

73.  CMS stands for

A.    Cyto mutational stability

B.    Cytoplasmic male sterility

C.    Cytoplasmic male stability

D.    Cytogenetic male sterility

74.  Bagging is done to prevent

A.    Selfing

B.    Crossing

C.    Pollination

D.    Fertilization

75.  Despite of Meosis, fertilization does not occur in

A.    Seed

B.    Recurrent Apomixis

C.    Non-recurrent Apomixis

D.    Bulbils

76.  Removal of anthers is known as

A.    Enasculation

B.    Emasculation

C.    Male sterility

D.    Crossing

77.  Chromosome number of Arhar is

A.    22

B.    23

C.    21

D.    14

78.  Chromosome number of pea is

A.    22

B.    23

C.    21

D.    14

79.  Arkil is variety of

A.    Arhar

B.    Cabbage

C.    Mustard

D.    Pea

80.  In fruit crops like mango, litchi, lemon, grapes the different methods are applied to get the stem clone are

A.    Layering

B.    Grafting

C.    Budding

D.    All of the above

81.  In ABR system R stands for

A.    Ready line

B.    Recent line

C.    Restorer line

D.    Recessive line

82.  Removal of anthers is done with the help of

A.    Pin

B.    Needle

C.    Forceps

D.    All of the above

83.  Crossing involves pollination with

A.    Same variety

B.    Other variety

C.    Many variety

D.    None of the above

84.  Maize plants exhibit

A.    Clestogamy

B.    Chasmogamy

C.    Getanogamy

D.    Apogamy

85.  The development of haploid embryo from any haploid cell of the embryo sac other than the egg cell is called

A.    Budding

B.    Recurrent apomixis

C.    Non-recurrent apomixis

D.    Haploid apogamy

86.  Shaktiman is variety of

A.    Maize

B.    Wheat

C.    Rice

D.    Mustard

87.  Breeder of Narendra Shivani is

A.    Dr. Y.S. Swaminathan

B.    Dr. Ranjana

C.    Dr. Shivpujan Singh

D.    Dr. M.S Krishman

88.  Dr. S.C Mani was a renowned breeder of

A.    Rice

B.    Pulses

C.    Wheat

D.    Cotton

89.  First hybrid cotton was released from

A.    America

B.    India

C.    China

D.    Egypt

90.  The nodal portions of stems to make clone is used in

A.    Pea

B.    Mango

C.    Litchi

D.    Sugarcane

91.  MMC stands for

A.    Million mother cell

B.    Minute mother cell

C.    Megaspore mother cell

D.    Micro mother cell

92.  Glucosinulate is the toxin found in

A.    Rice

B.    Mustard

C.    Wheat

D.    Sugarcane

93.  Polyploidy can be induced using

A.    Alcohol

B.    EMS

C.    CMS

D.    Colchicines

94.  Who is known as father of Indian hybrid cotton

A.    Dr. C.V Patel

B.    Dr. P.T Patel

C.    Dr. C.T Patel

D.    Dr. C.T Patil

95.  Somatic cell or the meiocyte cell fails to undergo meiosis, thereby produces the embryo sac with diploid cells only resulting diploid embryo called as

A.    Aposory

B.    Apogamy

C.    Aploidy

D.    Alogamy

96.  Adventive embryony is the feature of

A.    Mango

B.    Citrus

C.    Cucurbits

D.    A and b both

97.  Which one is not a mango variety

A.    Lucknow safeda

B.    Alfanso

C.    Totapari

D.    Dushari

98.  First agriculture university of India is

A.    KAU



D.    RBS college

99.  Full form of ICAR is

A.    Indiana Agriculture Research Institute

B.    Indian Agriculture Research Institute

C.    Indian Agroforestry Research Institute

D.    Imperial Agriculture Research Institute

100.                   In wood-apple, citrus and many such trees units used for propagation is

A.    Modified roots

B.    Tuberous root

C.    Normal roots

D.    Fasciculated root


1.     D

2.     C

3.     B

4.     A

5.     D

6.     B

7.     B

8.     A

9.     B

10.  A

11.  B

12.  C

13.  B

14.  A

15.  C

16.  B

17.  C

18.  C

19.  A

20.  C

21.  B

22.  A

23.  B

24.  C

25.  A

26.  B

27.  B

28.  C

29.  D

30.  B

31.  A

32.  D

33.  A

34.  C


35.  B

36.  C

37.  A

38.  A

39.  D

40.  A

41.  C

42.  D

43.  C

44.  B

45.  B

46.  A

47.  C

48.  A

49.  D

50.  A

51.  C

52.  A

53.  D

54.  B

55.  A

56.  D

57.  C

58.  D

59.  C

60.  B

61.  C

62.  C

63.  A

64.  D

65.  C

66.  A


67.  C

68.  A

69.  A

70.  D

71.  C

72.  B

73.  B

74.  C

75.  B

76.  A

77.  D

78.  D

79.  D

80.  C

81.  C

82.  B

83.  C

84.  D

85.  A

86.  C

87.  A

88.  B

89.  D

90.  C

91.  B

92.  D

93.  C

94.  A

95.  D

96.  A

97.  C

98.  B

99.  C
